ZnO blocks is an important and widely used physical sunscreens, ultraviolet shielding principle of absorption and scattering.
Promotional Zinc Oxide Disc
In recent years, nano-materials due to its quantum size effect and macroscopic quantum tunneling, etc. ZnO varistorexhibit special optical, electrical, magnetic and catalytic properties, aroused great interest. After the zinc oxide and zinc sulfide nano materials, no doubt given on the basis of the original features of its range of new features, it will help to improve the material performance and functionality. In recent years, studies have shown that Zinc Oxide blocks and zinc sulfide nano-materials with ordinary zinc oxide and zinc sulfide compared to the bulk material, the mechanical properties, high temperature resistance, luminescence, catalysis and many other aspects have improved significantly. Zinc Oxide discsStudy on preparation and performance of materials science has become a very active area.

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