TGE metal oxide varistors application is a voltage limiting protection devices. Nonlinear characteristics of the use of zinc oxide varistors, when an overvoltage occurs between the two poles of the varistor, the varistor voltage can be clamped to a relatively fixed voltage value, in order to achieve protection of the post-stage circuit. Varistor TVS diode can be used instead tvs tube, a combination Zener diode and a capacitor.
Varistor circuit IC can be protected and other equipment, to prevent electrostatic discharge, surges and other transient current (such as lightning, etc.) and cause damage to them. Simply use varistors and connected to the protected IC or device circuit, when the transient voltage is higher than a certain value, the varistor resistance rapidly drops, turned a large current, thereby protecting the IC or appliances equipment; when the voltage drops below the operating voltage varistor, varistors high resistance, almost open, and thus will not affect the normal operation of the device or electrical equipment.
Zinc oxide varistor connected in parallel circuit generally used when the voltage across the resistor changes rapidly, resistance short circuit current fuse blows, play a protective role. Metal oxide varistors in the circuit, commonly used in the power supply voltage protection and regulation. Set the multimeter measurement 10k file, table pen connected to both ends of the resistor, the varistor should exhibit marked resistance multimeter, if you exceed this value is large, then the varistor has been damaged. Zinc oxide varistors and protected electrical equipment or components used in parallel. When the lightning over-voltage or transient operating voltage VS circuit occurs, varistors and protected equipment and components withstand VS, due to the fast response of the varistor, it exhibits excellent nanosecond time quickly non-linear electrical properties, then the voltage drop across the TGE Glass Coating varistors rapidly, far less than the VS, on such equipment and components to be protected actual withstand voltage is much lower than the over-voltage VS, so that the equipment and components for Free It was over-voltage shocks.